
  • 8mm x 1/4" Male Iron Bent Compression

    8mm x 1/4″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £0.61 £0.73 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm x 1/4" Male Iron Straight Compression

    8mm x 1/4″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £0.70 £0.84 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm Stop End Compression

    8mm Stop End Compression

    £0.70 £0.84 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm Stop End Compression

    10mm Stop End Compression

    £0.73 £0.88 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm x 3/8" Male Iron Straight Compression

    8mm x 3/8″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £0.73 £0.88 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm x 1/4" Female Iron Straight Compression

    8mm x 1/4″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £0.77 £0.92 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 1/4" Female Iron Straight Compression

    10mm x 1/4″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £0.83 £1.00 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 1/4" Male Iron Straight Compression

    10mm x 1/4″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £0.82 £0.98 (inc vat)
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  • 12mm Stop End Compression

    12mm Stop End Compression

    £0.82 £0.98 (inc vat)
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  • 12mm x 1/4" Male Iron Straight Compression

    12mm x 1/4″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £0.88 £1.06 (inc vat)
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  • 12mm Coupling Compression

    12mm Coupling Compression

    £0.92 £1.10 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm Stop End Compression

    15mm Stop End Compression

    £0.92 £1.10 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm Elbow Compression

    8mm Elbow Compression

    £0.95 £1.14 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 3/8" Male Iron Straight Compression

    10mm x 3/8″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £0.97 £1.16 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 1/2" Female Iron Straight Compression

    10mm x 1/2″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £1.00 £1.20 (inc vat)
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  • 12mm Elbow Compression

    12mm Elbow Compression

    £1.00 £1.20 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 1/4" Male Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 1/4″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £1.00 £1.20 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm Coupling Compression

    8mm Coupling Compression

    £1.05 £1.26 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Coupling 10mm x 8mm Compression

    Reducing Coupling 10mm x 8mm Compression

    £1.07 £1.28 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Coupling 15mm x 10mm Compression

    Reducing Coupling 15mm x 10mm Compression

    £1.62 £1.94 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm Coupling Compression

    10mm Coupling Compression

    £1.09 £1.31 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 1/2" Male Iron Straight Compression

    10mm x 1/2″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £1.16 £1.39 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 1/2" Male Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 1/2″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £1.21 £1.45 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 3/8" Male Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 3/8″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £1.28 £1.54 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 1/4" Male Iron Bent Compression

    10mm x 1/4″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £1.29 £1.55 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm Elbow Compression

    10mm Elbow Compression

    £1.29 £1.55 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 3/8" Female Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 3/8″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £1.31 £1.57 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm x 3/8" Male Iron Bent Compression

    10mm x 3/8″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £1.34 £1.61 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 1/2" Female Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 1/2″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £1.41 £1.69 (inc vat)
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  • 12mm Equal Tee Compression

    12mm Equal Tee Compression

    £1.45 £1.74 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 1/2" Male Iron Bent Compression

    15mm x 1/2″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £1.53 £1.84 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm Coupling Compression

    15mm Coupling Compression

    £1.53 £1.84 (inc vat)
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  • 8mm Equal Tee Compression

    8mm Equal Tee Compression

    £1.55 £1.86 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm Elbow Compression

    15mm Elbow Compression

    £1.56 £1.87 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Coupling 15mm x 8mm Compression

    Reducing Coupling 15mm x 8mm Compression

    £1.58 £1.90 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 1/4" Female Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 1/4″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £1.60 £1.92 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 1/2" Female Iron Bent Compression

    15mm x 1/2″ Female Iron Bent Compression

    £1.65 £1.98 (inc vat)
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  • 10mm Equal Tee Compression

    10mm Equal Tee Compression

    £1.73 £2.08 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 3/4" Male Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 3/4″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £1.89 £2.27 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 3/4" Female Iron Straight Compression

    15mm x 3/4″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £1.89 £2.27 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Coupling 15mm x 12mm Compression

    Reducing Coupling 15mm x 12mm Compression

    £1.92 £2.30 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 1/2" Female Iron Straight

    22mm x 1/2″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £1.96 £2.35 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm Isolation Valve Full Bore Chrome

    15mm Isolation Valve Full Bore Chrome

    £2.09 £2.51 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 1" Male Iron Bent Compression

    22mm x 1″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £3.59 £4.31 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 3/4" Female Iron Straight Compression

    22mm x 3/4″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £2.28 £2.74 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 15mm x 15mm x 1/2" Female Compression

    Reducing Tee 15mm x 15mm x 1/2″ Female Compression

    £2.30 £2.76 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm Equal Tee Compression

    15mm Equal Tee Compression

    £2.36 £2.83 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 3/4" Male Iron Bent Compression

    15mm x 3/4″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £2.38 £2.86 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 3/4" Male Iron Straight Compression

    22mm x 3/4″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £2.43 £2.92 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Coupling 22mm x 15mm Compression

    Reducing Coupling 22mm x 15mm Compression

    £2.47 £2.96 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 1/2" Male Iron Straight Compression

    22mm x 1/2″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £2.50 £3.00 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm Stop End Compression

    28mm Stop End Compression

    £2.55 £3.06 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm x 3/4" Female Iron Bent Compression

    15mm x 3/4″ Female Iron Bent Compression

    £2.57 £3.08 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm Coupling Compression

    22mm Coupling Compression

    £2.74 £3.29 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm Elbow Compression

    22mm Elbow Compression

    £2.79 £3.35 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 3/4" Male Iron Bent Compression

    22mm x 3/4″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £2.87 £3.44 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 1" Male Iron Straight Compression

    22mm x 1″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £2.98 £3.58 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 3/4" Female Iron Bent Compression

    22mm x 3/4″ Female Iron Bent Compression

    £3.08 £3.70 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm x 1" Male Iron Bent Compression

    28mm x 1″ Male Iron Bent Compression

    £4.93 £5.92 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 1" Female Iron Straight Compression

    22mm x 1″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £3.16 £3.79 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm x 1" Male Iron Straight Compression

    28mm x 1″ Male Iron Straight Compression

    £3.35 £4.02 (inc vat)
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  • 15mm Repair Coupling Compression Brass

    £3.35 £4.02 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm x 1″ Female Iron Straight Compression

    £3.71 £4.45 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 22mm x 22mm x 1/2" Female Compression

    Reducing Tee 22mm x 22mm x 1/2″ Female Compression

    £3.72 £4.46 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Coupling 28mm x 22mm Compression

    Reducing Coupling 28mm x 22mm Compression

    £3.91 £4.69 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 22x22x15mm Compression

    Reducing Tee 22x22x15mm Compression

    £4.00 £4.80 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm Equal Tee Compression

    22mm Equal Tee Compression

    £4.11 £4.93 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm Coupling Compression

    28mm Coupling Compression

    £4.11 £4.93 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 22x15x22mm Compression

    Reducing Tee 22x15x22mm Compression

    £4.32 £5.18 (inc vat)
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  • 22mm x 1" Female Iron Bent Compression

    22mm x 1″ Female Iron Bent Compression

    £4.44 £5.33 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm x 1" Female Iron Bent Compression

    28mm x 1″ Female Iron Bent Compression

    £5.07 £6.08 (inc vat)
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  • 28mm Elbow Compression

    28mm Elbow Compression

    £5.13 £6.16 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 28x15x28mm Compression

    Reducing Tee 28x15x28mm Compression

    £5.19 £6.23 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 28x28x15mm Compression

    Reducing Tee 28x28x15mm Compression

    £6.09 £7.31 (inc vat)
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  • Reducing Tee 28x28x22mm Compression

    Reducing Tee 28x28x22mm Compression

    £6.55 £7.86 (inc vat)
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